[The development of a finger joint phantom for the optical simulation of early inflammatory rheumatic changes]

Autor: V, Prapavat, W, Runge, J, Mans, A, Krause, J, Beuthan, G, Müller
Jazyk: němčina
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering. 42(11)
ISSN: 0013-5585
Popis: In the field of rheumatology, conventional diagnostic methods permit the detection only of advanced stages of the disease, which is at odds with the current clinical demand for the early diagnosis of inflammatory rheumatic diseases. Prompted by current needs, we developed a finger joint phantom that enables the optical and geometrical simulation of an early stage of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The results presented here form the experimental basis for an evaluation of new RA diagnostic systems based on near infrared light. The early stage of RA is characterised mainly by a vigorous proliferation of the synovial membrane and clouding of the synovial fluid. Using a double-integrating-sphere technique, the absorption and scattering coefficients (mua, mus') are experimentally determined for healthy and pathologically altered synovial fluid and capsule tissue. Using a variable mixture of Intralipid Indian ink and water as a scattering/absorption medium, the optical properties of skin, synovial fluid or capsule can be selected individually. Since the optical and geometrical properties of bone tissue remain constant in early-stage RA, a solid material is used for its simulation. Using the finger joint phantom described herein, the optical properties of joint regions can be adjusted specifically, enabling an evaluation of their effects on an optical signal--for example, during fluorography--and the investigation of these effects for diagnostically useful information. The experimental foundation for the development of a new optical system for the early diagnosis of RA has now been laid.
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