[Regulation of blood circulation in the surgical correction of portal hypertension]

Autor: Iu N, Shanin, B N, Kotiv, V N, Tsygan, V I, Iontsev
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Voenno-meditsinskii zhurnal. 332(3)
ISSN: 0026-9050
Popis: 56 patients with portal hypertension were examined who underwent decompressive shunt surgery. Cardiorhytmography and integral rheography body were performed in different stages. In the late postoperative period, there were positive changes in the autonomic regulation of functions: reduced tension index and sympathetic influence on heart rhythm, increases the value of other indicators of heart rate variability. Due to an increase in heart rate and peripheral vascular resistance normalizes blood pressure while reducing the values of cardiac output. There is a further normalization of the reactivity of blood circulation: arterial pressure and vascular resistance during the functional test remained at a constant level of magnitude of shock and cardiac index significantly increased and then decreased to the level of the original values, which corresponds to the reaction apparently healthy. Disorders of regulation, state and reactivity of blood flow in portal hypertension, manifested: 1. Reduction of heart rate variability with a significant increase in sympathetic activity of autonomic nervous system. 2. Reduction of cardiac output and vascular resistance, heart rate, changes in physiological determination of hemodynamic parameters: Blood pressure is determined only by the vessel resistance. 3. Reduction of blood pressure in response to breath holding test.
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