Long-term immunogenicity of the new Vero cell-derived, inactivated Japanese encephalitis virus vaccine IC51 Six and 12 month results of a multicenter follow-up phase 3 study

Autor: E, Schuller, B, Jilma, V, Voicu, G, Golor, H, Kollaritsch, A, Kaltenböck, C, Klade, E, Tauber
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Vaccine. 26(34)
ISSN: 0264-410X
Popis: Japanese encephalitis (JE) is the most common viral encephalitis in Asia. IC51 is a new Vero cell-derived, inactivated JE virus vaccine with non-inferior immunogenicity (after 2 months) compared to the US-licensed vaccine JE-VAX (mouse brain-derived, inactivated) and with a more convenient (two injections instead of three) intramuscular dose schedule. Adult subjects from two studies were followed-up for comparative immunogenicity (JE-VAX) at 6 months and long-term immunogenicity of IC51 alone at 12 months. At 6 months, immunogenicity was higher with IC51 (seroconversion rate [SCR] 95%; geometric mean titer [GMT] 84) than with JE-VAX (SCR 74%; GMT 34). At 12 months, the SCR was 83% and the GMT (41) remained above the protective titer of 1:10. Most people immunized with IC51 will have protective neutralizing antibody levels for at least a year.
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