Haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharides-protein conjugate vaccine elicits a more diverse antibody repertoire in infants than in adults

Autor: E E, Adderson, P M, Wilson, M W, Cunningham, P G, Shackelford
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 161(8)
ISSN: 0022-1767
Popis: Conjugation of bacterial polysaccharides (PS) to protein carriers confers the ability to elicit protective serum Ab in infants, who respond poorly to plain PS. The serum Ab of young children immunized with Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) PS conjugate vaccine varies with age and Ag formulation. To understand these age-related changes in human anti-Hib PS immune responses we determined the variable region gene sequences encoding anti-Hib PS mAbs of infants immunized with Hib oligosaccharide-diphtheria toxin vaccine. The anti-Hib PS repertoire of children differs from that of adults. A smaller proportion of mAbs from children have high affinity for Hib PS, and the overall variable region gene repertoire of infants is more diverse than that in adults. Variable region genes encoding high affinity mAbs of infants are similar to the restricted repertoire described in adults. Low affinity anti-Hib PS mAbs of infants are encoded by a heterogeneous group of genes that are uncommonly observed in the adult repertoire. Abs with high affinity for Hib PS from infants, like most mAbs from adults, react only with Hib PS and the structurally similar PS of Escherichia coli K100, whereas low affinity mAbs of infants are polyreactive. The low affinity anti-Hib PS mAbs of infants immunized with Hib oligosaccharide-diphtheria toxin vaccine vaccine are not reflected in serum Ab. However, the differences between the variable region gene repertoires of adults and infants may account for the distinct immunologic characteristics of the anti-Hib PS responses in young children immunized with other vaccine formulations.
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