Methylation Pattern of Radish (Raphanus sativus) Nuclear Ribosomal RNA Genes 1

Autor: Delseny, Michel, Laroche, Monique, Penon, Paul
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1984
Popis: The methylation pattern of radish Raphanus sativus nuclear rDNA has been investigated using the Hpa II, Msp I, and Hha I restriction enzymes. The presence of numerous target sites for these enzymes has been shown using cloned rDNA fragments. A large fraction of the numerous rDNA units are heavily methylated, being completely resistant to Hpa II and Hpa I. However, specific sites are constantly available in another fraction of the units and are therefore unmethylated. The use of different probes allowed us to demonstrate that hypomethylated sites are present in different regions. Major hypomethylated Hha I sites have been mapped in the 5' portion of 25S rRNA coding sequence. Among the hypomethylated fraction, different methylation patterns coexist. It has been possible to demonstrate that methylation patterns are specific for particular units. The Hha I pattern of rDNA in tissues of different developmental stages was analyzed. Evidence for possible tissue specific differences in the methylation pattern is reported.
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