Bio-inspired nitrogen oxide (NO

Autor: Pritam, Mondal, Garrett B, Tolbert, Gayan B, Wijeratne
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Journal of inorganic biochemistry. 226
ISSN: 1873-3344
Popis: Dioxygen activating heme enzymes have long predicted to be powerhouses for nitrogen oxide interconversion, especially for nitric oxide (NO) oxidation which has far-reaching biological and/or environmental impacts. Lending credence, reactivity of NO with high-valent heme‑oxygen intermediates of globin proteins has recently been implicated in the regulation of a variety of pivotal physiological events such as modulating catalytic activities of various heme enzymes, enhancing antioxidant activity to inhibit oxidative damage, controlling inflammatory and infectious properties within the local heme environments, and NO scavenging. To reveal insights into such crucial biological processes, we have investigated low temperature NO reactivities of two classes of synthetic high-valent heme intermediates, Compound-II and Compound-I. In that, Compound-II rapidly reacts with NO yielding the six-coordinate (NO bound) heme ferric nitrite complex, which upon warming to room temperature converts into the five-coordinate heme ferric nitrite species. These ferric nitrite complexes mediate efficient substrate oxidation reactions liberating NO; i.e., shuttling NO
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