High-throughput chiral liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry

Autor: R, Bakhtiar, F L, Tse
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Rapid communications in mass spectrometry : RCM. 14(13)
ISSN: 0951-4198
Popis: Chiral liquid chromatography is a well-established area of bioanalytical chemistry and is often used during the processes of drug discovery and development. The development and use of a chiral drug require the understanding of the pharmacokinetic characteristics of each of the enantiomers, including potential differences in their absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Chromatographic techniques coupled to atmospheric pressure ionization-tandem mass spectrometry have shown potential as sensitive and robust tools in the quantitative and qualitative determination of enantiomers in biologic fluids and tissue extracts. However, development of a chiral liquid chromatography method requires time-consuming procedures that are devised empirically. Clearly, there is an incentive to design chromatographic approaches that are easy to use, compatible with mass spectrometry ionization interface conditions, exhibit relatively short run times without compromising sensitivity, and offer a broad analyte specificity. For these reasons, the present paper explores the feasibility of the bonded macrocyclic glycopeptide phases (teicoplanin and vancomycin) for analysis by chiral liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Ritalinic acid, pindolol, fluoxetine, oxazepam, propranolol, terbutaline, metoprolol, and nicardipine were tested in this study. Furthermore, an example of a simultaneous chiral LC/MS/MS detection (chromatographic run time approximately 10 min) of four pharmaceutical products resulting in baseline resolutions of all four pairs of enantiomers is presented. Methanol, an MS-compatible mobile phase, was utilized in all the experiments.
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