[Clinico-laboratory characteristics of acute viral hepatitis C in parenteral drug addicts]

Autor: G M, Kozhevnikova, I M, Roslyĭ, K I, Chuĭkova, M R, Bobkova
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 71(11)
ISSN: 0040-3660
Popis: To study clinical and laboratory manifestations of acute viral hepatitis C in parenteral drug addicts.Acute viral hepatitis C (AVHC) was diagnosed in 114 patients included in the trial by serological evidence and virus RNA determination at polymerase chain reaction. Among the examinees there were 63 addicts and 51 non-addicts.In addicts, AVHC manifests with pain in the liver, anorexia, moderate intoxication, hepatomegalia, abstinence syndrome. At admission most the addicts had a moderate rise in bilirubin concentration with prolonged normalization. 25% of the addicts had ALT1400 micromol/l/h, its lowering was slow. In convalescence, the addicts' liver long remained enlarged, concentrations of ALT, alkaline phosphatase, GGT remained high.VHC runs a moderate course in parenteral drug addicts, shows polymorphic symptomatology, hepatomegalia, high blood levels of ALT. Convalescence is long, hepatic functions recover slowly.
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