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In Mexico, as in the entire Western world, during the 19th century and the beginnings of the 20th century, medical knowledge developed in a remarkable way and the case of diabetes mellitus was not the exception. This situation, which arose on the basis of the antique paradigm, and which in turn was overthrown by the positivism as the emergent paradigm (with its clinical and anatomical, as well as physiopathological and etiopathological viewpoints), was reflected during the 19th the century through its actors and the communications that opened the access of Mexican medicine to the modernity.En México, como en el mundo occidental, durante el siglo XIX y principios del XX, el conocimiento médico presentó un desarrollo notable y el caso de la diabetes mellitus no es la excepción. Esta situación, originada desde el paradigma antiguo, superado por el paradigma moderno emergente, con sus miradas anatomoclínica, fisiopatológica y etiopatogénica, se refleja en el México decimonónico a través de sus actores y de las comunicaciones que inauguran la entrada de la medicina mexicana a la modernidad. |