[Epidemiological aspects of leishmaniosis in Italian regions]

Autor: M G, Verso, S, Caracappa, F, Vitale, G, Vesco, D, Picciotto
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Giornale italiano di medicina del lavoro ed ergonomia. 25(4)
ISSN: 1592-7830
Popis: The analysis of infectious diseases in Italy and regarding some working activities has pointed out several cases of leishmaniosis, in various shapes. Its persistent presence in some endemic areas in our country, together with possibility of work exposure and in assence of very sensitive or specific diagnostic methods, represents a problem in medical practice. It's necessary for physicians and veterinaries take greater attention about this illness and the other anthropozoonosis, always actual in some areas and increasing for AIDS's sicks, representing other infection sources.
Databáze: OpenAIRE