Metamagnetic transition and a loss of magnetic hysteresis caused by electron trapping in monolayers of single-molecule magnet Tb

Autor: Emmanouil, Koutsouflakis, Denis, Krylov, Nicolas, Bachellier, Daria, Sostina, Vasilii, Dubrovin, Fupin, Liu, Lukas, Spree, Georgios, Velkos, Sebastian, Schimmel, Yaofeng, Wang, Bernd, Büchner, Rasmus, Westerström, Claudiu, Bulbucan, Kyle, Kirkpatrick, Matthias, Muntwiler, Jan, Dreiser, Thomas, Greber, Stas M, Avdoshenko, Harry, Dorn, Alexey A, Popov
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Nanoscale. 14(27)
ISSN: 2040-3372
Popis: Realization of stable spin states in surface-supported magnetic molecules is crucial for their applications in molecular spintronics, memory storage or quantum information processing. In this work, we studied the surface magnetism of dimetallo-azafullerene Tb
Databáze: OpenAIRE