2 cases of testicular seminoma associated with HIV infection. Analysis of treatment tolerance

Autor: P, Beuzeboc, T N, Quang, T A, Flam, M, Zerbib, P, Vellard, J, Fenton, G, Mathieu, A, Boissonnas
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: Bulletin du cancer. 76(7)
ISSN: 0007-4551
Popis: Two homosexuals with advanced HIV infection and testicular seminoma stage IIb and IIc were treated with irradiation associated with chemotherapy in one patient. Subdiaphragmatic irradiation was followed by moderate diarrhoea. Initial chemotherapy consisted of cisplatinum, vinblastine, bleomycin replaced by cyclophosphamide after radiotherapy. The use of cyclophosphamide was discontinued after 2 courses due to neutropenia (less than 1500/mm3). Complete tumor remission was achieved in both patients without infection in spite of an aggravation of the CD4 deficit (5/mm3, 52/mm3). The patients died of opportunistic infections 14 and 12 months after terminating treatment. We conclude that cytotoxic and radiation treatment can be administered safely if carefully monitored in these severely immunodepressed patients.
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