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To assess animal health and production in sheep grazing perennial ryegrass (Three replicates of pure perennial ryegrass pastures infected with AR501 tall fescue endophyte (AR501 HE), AR1, AR37 or standard endophyte (STD) (all85% infection) and a low endophyte control (AR501 LE) were grazed by 10 lambs for 7 weeks during late summer/early autumn, 2017. AR501 HE and AR501 LE were in the same tetraploid cultivar and the remaining treatments were in the same diploid cultivar. Lambs were weighed on Days 0, 19, 37 and 48 and assessed for ryegrass staggers on a 0-4 tremor scale nine times from Day 13. On Days 14 and 20, rectal temperatures and respiration rates were measured in lambs grazing AR501 HE, AR501 LE and STD under heat load. Pasture samples from each treatment were taken regularly (8 times) for analysis of known endophyte secondary metabolites.Peak mean ryegrass staggers scores for lambs grazing STD and AR37 treatments were 3.9 and 2.7, respectively, indicating environmental conditions were conducive to toxicity. Lambs grazing AR501 HE showed no ryegrass staggers at any date. The liveweight of STD lambs was up to 6.6 kg less than some or all other treatments on Days 19, 34 and 48, but there was no evidence of a difference between the liveweight of AR501 HE lambs and AR501 LE, AR37 or AR1 lambs on any date. Rectal temperatures and respiration rates of STD lambs were higher than AR501 HE lambs by 0.2°C and 26 breaths/minute, respectively. Apart from lower rectal temperature of AR501 HE lambs on Day 14, there was no evidence of differences between the AR501 HE and AR501 LE lambs.Lambs grazing AR501 HE showed no ryegrass staggers, exacerbated heat stress or suppressed liveweight gain compared with lambs grazing AR501 LE in a season when endophyte-induced toxicity was evident in STD and AR37 pastures. This suggests AR501 tall fescue endophyte does not produce toxic concentrations of secondary metabolites.This study suggests that there are no secondary metabolites produced by the tall fescue AR501 endophyte-perennial ryegrass association which affect animal health or production. |