Financial and medicolegal implications of focused/fast abdominopelvic MRI exams

Autor: Jonathan L, Mezrich, Jeffrey C, Weinreb
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Abdominal radiology (New York). 47(1)
ISSN: 2366-0058
Popis: Abbreviated MRI offers significant advantages in terms of MRI throughput, patient tolerance and expediency, and is being utilized for a variety of abdominopelvic imaging applications. However questions abound with respect to financial and medicolegal treatment of these relatively new protocols.A review of the relevant literature was performed.There is no Current Procedural Terminology code for a "limited" MRI study, but it may not be appropriate to bill an abbreviated study the same as a more comprehensive study. With respect to medicolegal concerns, the risk of liability when missing or misinterpreting medically significant findings due to use of an abbreviated scan will turn on whether abbreviated MRI has become the standard of care.In light of these ambiguities, it would behoove abdominopelvic imagers to advocate for their professional and subspecialty organizations to issue practice parameters/guidelines with respect to the utilization of abbreviated MRI protocols, and for the subspecialty to bill these abbreviated scans at objectively reasonable rates.
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