[The problems of the development of rehabilitation technologies]

Autor: I E, Luk'ianova, V G, Sukhanov, E A, Sigida
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Problemy sotsial'noi gigieny, zdravookhraneniia i istorii meditsiny. (1)
ISSN: 0869-866X
Popis: The research in the field of theoretical methodological problems of preservation and recovery of population health on the basis of studying the impact of the social and biological factors is high-top priority guideline of the strategy and tactics of health care in enhancing the medical social care. The actuality of consideration in the Russian Federation the concept of the rehabilitation care to people with vital activity restrictions depends on many reasons. The patients with stoma consist a specific group of persons survived severe disease or trauma or very often mutilating "stomic" operation which entailed the above-mentioned vital activity restrictions. Among people with intestine or ureter stoma , the disability substantially differs from any other disability developed due to other causes. The rehabilitation as an active form of the social protection is to be directed towards preserving the quality of life of "stomised" patients and changing their social position i.e. engaging into community. It is assumed that the community adaptation to the specific needs of such category of disabled persons and environment alteration are the most necessary components of the medical social rehabilitation.
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