Pattern of cytokine and adhesion molecule mRNA in hapten-induced relapsing colon inflammation in the rat

Autor: F F, Sun, P S, Lai, G, Yue, K, Yin, R G, Nagele, D M, Tong, R F, Krzesicki, J E, Chin, P Y, Wong
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Inflammation. 25(1)
ISSN: 0360-3997
Popis: We examined the mRNA expression of cytokines, chemokines, integrins, and selectins in colon lesions of rat colitis with a semi-quantitative RT-PCR assay. Rat colitis was induced by trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) in 50% ethanol. Within 24 h, an acute inflammation occurred with hyperemia, edema, necrosis and an intense infiltration of granulocytes in the mucosa. The lesion proceeded into a T-lymphocyte/monocyte-driven chronic inflammation for two weeks and healed in 6 weeks. An acute inflammation recurred at the same site when the recovered animals were systemically injected with TNBS. We isolated RNA from colon tissue at 24 h, 1, 2, 4, 6 weeks after TNBS treatment and from the relapsed animals. The mRNA for cytokines IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-10 and the chemokines CINC, MIP-1alpha, MCP-1 were significantly (P0.05) elevated and persisted for 2 weeks, decreased in 6 weeks and increased again during relapse. IFN-gamma mRNA stayed at control levels initially, but increased dramatically in the second weeks of chronic inflammation as well as in relapse. The mRNA levels of adhesion molecules, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, the mucosal homing integrin beta7 as well as P- and E-selectin were greatly enhanced between 1 and 3 weeks. The data showed that the chronically inflamed tissue expresses a time-dependent changing pattern of TH1 cytokines and adhesion molecules that maintain the infiltration and activation of inflammatory cells and tissue injury.
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