Supravalvular aortic membrane with severe aortic regurgitation: an unusual presentation in adults

Autor: Rammohan, Marla, Timothy, Woods, R Eric, Lilly, Alfred C, Nicolosi, Saqib, Masroor
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: The Journal of heart valve disease. 18(3)
ISSN: 0966-8519
Popis: Aortic stenosis due to supravalvular membrane usually presents in children. It may be associated with fusion of the left coronary leaflet and the supravalvular membrane, causing obstruction of the left coronary ostium, and resulting in myocardial ischemia. Despite the immobilization of the left coronary leaflet, these patients present in childhood with aortic stenosis and not regurgitation, with or without accompanying myocardial ischemia. The case is described of an adult patient with supravalvular aortic membrane presenting with severe aortic regurgitation and myocardial infarction due to fusion of the left coronary leaflet with the supravalvular membrane.
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