[The effect of the laser irradiation of the blood on its lipid and phospholipid components in diabetes mellitus]

Autor: E V, Lebed'kov, P I, Tolstykh, L F, Marchenko, T I, Turkina, V T, Krivikhin
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Voenno-meditsinskii zhurnal. 319(10)
ISSN: 0026-9050
Popis: Study results of the laser irradiation impact on the blood lipid and phospholipid components and membrane erythrocyte in patients with diabetes mellitus and pyo-necrotic injuries of lower extremities when treated by laser intravenously or epicutaneously. The results prove, that the laser irradiation of low intensity favourably affects the blood components in a complex treatment of diabetes mellitus. Intravenous irradiation positive dynamics are more easily observed.
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