[P73 gene expression in colorectal adenocarcinoma: a prognostic or etiopathogenetic factor?]

Autor: Lilia Kria, Ben Mahmoud, Amira Arfaoui, Toumi, Ines, Chaâr, Ahlem, Lahmer, Tahar, Khalfallah, Sabeh Regaya, Mzabi, Saadia, Bouraoui
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: La Tunisie medicale. 87(4)
ISSN: 0041-4131
Popis: The p73 gene encodes a nuclear protein that is highy homologous to p53. p73 also shares some common functions with p53 protein indicating that p73 gene is a p53-like tumor suppressor.In this study, we examined by immunohistochemestry the p73 expression on 120 cases of colorectal carcinomas and evaluated its implication in carcinogenesis.Retrospective study.The results show an increase of intensity and distribution of p73 in common adenocarcinoma from the normal mucosa, to primery tumors and to metastases. However, in mucinous adenocarcinomas, immunostaining of p73 decrease in primary tumor and completely diseappears in isolated cells and metastases compared with matched normal mucosa. These observations are further reinforced by the fact that in adenocarcinoma with mucinous component less than 50%, the positivity of p73 persist in well-differentiated areas and dramatically decreases or completely deseappears in mucinous areas.In conclusion, p73 would be a prognosic marker for the common adenocarcinomas and an ethiopathogenic factor for the mucinous subtype.
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