A relapse-prevention program: effects of electromyographic training on high and low levels of state and trait anxiety

Autor: J D, Hurley, S R, Meminger
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Perceptual and motor skills. 74(3 Pt 1)
ISSN: 0031-5125
Popis: This study involved 40 college subjects and investigated the effects of EMG training on high and low state- and trait-anxiety scores. At pretreatment assessment subjects were administered the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (1970). Subjects were treated with EMG training with an established treatment criterion of 3 microvolts. All subjects achieved the treatment criterion within six 20-min. training sessions. Daily homework practice sessions were recorded on behavioral data cards. Two-way analysis of variance indicated significant mean differences on both state and trait anxiety at the conclusion of treatment. Interactions were significant, with EMG affecting subjects high in anxiety differently from subjects low in anxiety. Multiple t tests indicated high state-anxiety scores dropped significantly more than high trait-anxiety scores. A 6-mo. follow-up assessment, employing biweekly mailing of behavioral data cards along with a protective contingency instituted by informing subjects they would be contacted by phone if the data cards were not received, showed that state-anxiety scores remained significantly lower, while trait-anxiety scores returned to pretreatment levels.
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