[Adipocytes and macrophages functional morphology in obese humans: correlation with plasma leptins level]

Autor: E P, Giorgadze, L E, Gogiashvili, Z G, Tsagareli, E G, Nikobadze
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Georgian medical news. (227)
ISSN: 1512-0112
Popis: White adipose tissue macrophages and both in peripheral blood simples obtained in biopsies from male (n=14) and female (n=11) gluteal depots, were observes by light and electron microscopic methods, in obese in patients with BMI (35,2±7,9 and 31,3±8,5) in female and men, consequently. The data indicates on the positive correlation between adipocytes death, macrophages local activization and leptins level in obese individuals. Recent evidence indicates the correlation between increased leptin prodaction level and adipocytes necrotic foci in WAT, which is trigger lipid tissue persistans necrotic foci and formation chronic inflammation response in obese individuals.
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