Characterization of

Autor: Melissa A, Nashat, Kerith R, Luchins, Michelle L, Lepherd, Elyn R, Riedel, Joanna N, Izdebska, Neil S, Lipman
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Comparative medicine. 67(4)
ISSN: 2769-819X
Popis: A colony of B6.Cg-Rag1tm1Mom Tyrp1B-w Tg(Tcra,Tcrb)9Rest (TRP1/TCR) mice presented with ocular lesions and ulcerative dermatitis. Histopathology, skin scrapes, and fur plucks confirmed the presence of Demodex spp. in all clinically affected and subclinical TRP1/TCR mice examined (n = 48). Pasteurella pneumotropica and Corynebacterium bovis, both opportunistic pathogens, were cultured from the ocular lesions and skin, respectively, and bacteria were observed microscopically in abscesses at various anatomic locations (including retroorbital sites, tympanic bullae, lymph nodes, and reproductive organs) as well as the affected epidermis. The mites were identified as Demodex musculi using the skin fragment digestion technique. Topographic analysis of the skin revealed mites in almost all areas of densely haired skin, indicating a generalized demodecosis. The percentage of infested follicles in 8- to 10-wk-old mice ranged from 0% to 21%, and the number of mites per millimeter of skin ranged from 0 to 3.7. The head, interscapular region, and middorsum had the highest proportions of infested follicles, ranging from 2.3% to 21.1% (median, 4.9%), 2.0% to 16.6% (8.1%), and 0% to 17% (7.6%), respectively. The pinnae and tail skin had few or no mites, with the proportion of follicles infested ranging from 0% to 3.3% (0%) and 0% to 1.4% (0%), respectively. The number of mites per millimeter was strongly correlated with the percentage of infested follicles. After administration of amoxicillin-impregnated feed (0.12%), suppurative infections were eliminated, and the incidence of ulcerative dermatitis was dramatically reduced. We hypothesize that the Rag1-null component of the genotype makes TRP1/TCR mice susceptible to various opportunistic infestations and infections, including Demodex mites, P. pneumotropica, and C. bovis. Therefore, Rag1-null mice may serve as a useful model to study human and canine demodecosis. D. musculi should be ruled out as a contributing factor in immunocompromised mouse strains with dermatologic manifestations.
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