Are sterile glove precautions necessary for joint injections or is a general aseptic process sufficient? A Clin-IQ

Autor: Gretchen, McGee, Brooke, Frantz, Anton, Dreier, Philip, Palmer
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: J Okla State Med Assoc
ISSN: 0030-1876
Popis: BACKGROUND: Multiple studies have been conducted investigating the use of sterile vs non-sterile gloves. The aim of this Clin-IQ is to determine whether there is a clinically significant difference in the rate of infections in relation to the use of sterile vs non-sterile gloves for joint injections. CONCLUSIONS: Multiple studies have shown no appreciable difference in outcomes using sterile vs clean gloves for a variety of clinical applications including joint injections.
Databáze: OpenAIRE