[The effects of lengthening the femur in children with sequelae of hematogenic osteomyelitis on the state of the stabilized hip joint]

Autor: Iu E, Garkavenko, A N, Bergaliev, A P, Pozdeev, V I, Sadof'eva
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova. 159(5)
ISSN: 0042-4625
Popis: The influence of stretching the femur on the state of stabilized hip joint after acute hematogenic osteomyelitis of the proximal part of the femur bone was studied in 47 children aged from 9 to 18 years. The restoration of the lower extremity length was obtained by the 4-12.5 cm stretching of the femur with the help of the Ilizarov apparatus and the wire-rod apparatus. The X-ray and radionuclide (three-phase dynamic osteoscintigraphy) methods were used. Long-term results were followed-up during the period from 1 to 12 years. It was found that stretching the injured femur not only failed to destabilize the hip joint and to worsen its state but maintained and increased the effect of the stabilizing operation.
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