[From mandatory to participatory prevention: a model applied to the upholstered furniture industry]

Autor: G, Di Leone, G, Trani, S, Falco, Rossella, Attimonelli, M, Carino, D, Lagravinese
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: La Medicina del lavoro. 99(4)
ISSN: 0025-7818
Popis: The Italian 2006-2008 National Health Plan emphasizes synergy and cooperation between the agencies formally involved in the prevention of occupational risks, in agreement with social partners. The so-called 'triangle of the sofa industry' is an interregional geographic area south-west of Bari, Italy. In 2003 this area produced 16% of the world-wide upholstered furniture output, with more than 500 plants of varying size.The aim was to set up a network of communication and cooperation between the competent Agencies and Regions in order to address the rising trend of upper limb work-related musculoskeletal disorders.The first step of the National Health Service Unit in Bari was to assess risk via a Ministerial research project and implement various information campaigns involving institutions, occupational physicians, private companies and public opinion. In a subsequent phase a synergy between the local Departmenst ofPrevention of the different Regions, the Italian Institute for Insurance Occupational Accidents and Disease (INAIL), the trade unions and the upholstered furniture industry Association was established.New joint experimental projects (cutting tools, ergonomic table for assemblers, instruments for isokinetic evaluation) were launched together with training programmes for management, safety technicians and workers. This kind of 'participatory prevention' is more appropriate for the goal of a collaborative effort in order to assist the companies, which is a modern interpretation of the mission of public health prevention operators.
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