Laparoscopic uterine ventrosuspension procedure by using anterior mesh incorporated with bilateral round ligamentopexy: Kahyaoglu technique

Autor: Kahyaoglu, S, Ustun, Y
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Facts, Views & Vision in ObGyn
ISSN: 2684-4230
Popis: A number of vaginal and abdominal surgical techniques have been described for the treatment of apical uterine prolapse. A 38-year-old parous woman has been operated laparoscopically due to grade 3 apical uterine prolapse. A new surgical technique for the treatment of apical uterine prolapse performed by incorporation of the lateral arms of anteriorly anchored uterine polypropylene mesh to bilateral round ligaments has been developed. Due to the young age of the patient and lack of any other uterine pathology, a laparoscopic uterine ventrosuspension procedure combined with bilateral round ligamentopexy has been performed as a low risk uterine prolapse surgery.
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