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Electroentgenographic examination was carried out in 729 patients with various endocrine diseases. It is believed that electroentgenography with consideration to such features as marginal effect, numerous details, volumetric impression, etc. has at its disposal valuable auxillary diagnostic possibilities in the complex examination of the patients. Analysis of materials demonstrated electroentgenography to be the method of choice in contrastless X-ray diagnosis of changes in the thyroid and mammary glands, and soft tissues of the limbs. Diagnostic information of electroroentgenograms and of film roentgenograms is of about the same value in examination of the cranium, sella turcica, other parts of the bone skeleton, and also of the internal generative organs. The image of the thymus and of the adrenal glands was found to be somewhat less distinct on the electroentgenograms than on the film roentgenograms. |