[The aftermath of the fascist air attacks on military ambulance trains and mobile units]

Autor: V N, Ponomarenko, V M, Gorenkov
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Voenno-meditsinskii zhurnal. (5)
ISSN: 0026-9050
Popis: The article summarizes the archive data concerning the results of the bombing attacks and machine-gun fire of fascist aviation against hospital trains and sanitary trains (HTST). During the war period 349 HTST have suffered air attacks (including 95 organic HT, 111 temporary HT, and 143 ST). In the result of these attacks the losses among the medical personnel of HTST were 1682 wounded and 833 killed. As for sick and wounded who were being evacuated by these HTST 3040 of them were repeatedly wounded, 2017 were killed or burned by fire in railway medical carriages. These data testifies the flagrant transgression by fascists of international agreements on the neutrality of sanitary transport and its personnel.
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