[Immunogenicity of modified by dextran recombinant fragment of Bac protein of group B streptococci]

Autor: L F, Meringova, G F, Leont'eva, K B, Grabovskaia, T V, Gupalova, A A, Totolian, A N, Suvorov
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii. (2)
ISSN: 0372-9311
Popis: Opportunity to increase of immunogenicity of recombinant polypeptide P6 constructed on the basis of surface protective Bac protein by its chemical conjugation with dextran (D) 40 was studied. 3 preparations with different quantity of protein and polysaccharide components were obtained. Their testing with standard serum showed that antigenic determinants of the polypeptide were preserved although partly enclosed and structure of antigenic determinants did not significantly changed. On the model of subcutaneous immunization of mice it has been shown that two preparations--P6D2 and P6D3--have improved immunological characteristics. Conjugation of polypeptide P6 with dextran let to increase of immune response to P6 and affinity of P6-specific antibodies. Injection of nonconjugated P6 and dextran mixture showed that free dextran is not immunogenic and it suppress synthesis of P6-specific antibodies without effect on their affinity. Intranasal administration of nonconjugated P6 did not lead to P6-specific IgG in serum. After conjugation with dextran polypeptide P6 was recognized as an antigen and stimulated production of small quantity of antibodies. Technological process of chemical binding of protein antigen with polysaccharides, which let to regulate protein and polysaccharide components ratio, can be the effective method to increase immunogenicity of recombinant polypeptides.
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