[Multilevel revascularization of the lower extremities using loop endarterectomy]

Autor: R Z, Losev, Iu A, Burov, E G, Mikul'skaia, A A, Eliseev, N B, Bogdanova, V V, Skriabin
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova. 165(5)
ISSN: 0042-4625
Popis: Results of 91 reconstructions of the ilio-femoro-popliteal segment in patients with multilevel injuries of the lower extremity arteries were analyzed. In 42 of the operations a method of operations associated with loop endarterectomy was used. The first stage in all the patients consisted of iliac deep femoral reconstructions or semi-closed loop endarterectomy from iliac arteries in order for inclusion in blood flow of the profound femoral artery. In the presence of the volumetric blood flow along the profound femoral artery less than 150 ml/min after the first stage of revascularization the operation volume was extended at the expense of the femoro-distal reconstructions and/or semi-closed loop endarterectomy from the femoral and popliteal arteries. It was found that revascularization of the ilio-femoral segment in combination with desobliteration of the popliteal artery allowed performing two-level reconstructions with little time and material costs followed by primary positive results in 92.9% of cases.
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