[Use of extracorporeal connection of xeno-spleen or administration of perfusate of xenogeneic spleen in multimodal treatment of chronic osteomyelitis]

Autor: Z I, Urazgil'deev, R P, Chaplinskiĭ
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Ortopediia travmatologiia i protezirovanie. (10)
ISSN: 0030-5987
Popis: There are presented the results of complex treatment of 154 patients with chronic posttraumatic and hematogenic osteomyelitis. Complex treatment of 51 of them has been supplemented with biostimulation by extracorporal connection of xenospleen (26 patients) or administration of perfusate of xenospleen (25 patients). After application of extracorporal connection of xenospleen and administration of perfusate there have been detected statistically significant decrease of leucocytosis, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, normalization of lymphocyte and monocyte numbers in the laboratory indices as well as positive dynamics of immunologic indices. There have been obtains positive nearest results with 95,5% patients, observed shortening of hospital stay in average by 7 days as compared with the traditional methods of treatment.
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