[The features of the establishment of zones of sanitary protection of the water source]

Autor: S A, Lopatin, A A, Redko, V I, Terentyev
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Gigiena i sanitariia. (3)
ISSN: 0016-9900
Popis: There are regulatory gaps in sanitary laws, which specify the procedure of approval of projects of sanitary protection zones (SPZ) of water objects. It goes without saying that natural complexes, where water intake is organized, should have a special ecological status, which plays a substantial role in the creation of favorable conditions for human health. Some recommendations are given to improve sanitary legislations. Sanitary regulations and standards (SanPin) as well as the Water Code of the Russian Federation do not fully take into account the statements of some Federal laws regarding the protection of water objects. E.g. according to the Federal law No 33- FL of 14.03.1995 "On specially protected natural reservations" there is a legal base for increasing the status of SPZ of water sources by enlarging the list of Specially Protected Natural Reservations by including SPZ therein.
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