Plasmid analysis and epidemiology of Salmonella enteritidis infection in three commercial layer flocks

Autor: C R, Dorn, R, Silapanuntakul, E J, Angrick, L D, Shipman
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Avian diseases. 36(4)
ISSN: 0005-2086
Popis: Ninety-six S. enteritidis isolates obtained from three commercial layer flocks in 1988-90 were examined following DNA extraction, restriction enzyme digestion, and gel electrophoresis for plasmid size profiles and restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). The S. enteritidis isolates from the three flocks had three, eight, and two different plasmid profiles, respectively. Only four isolates from one flock lacked plasmids. A 36-megadalton (mDa) (54-kilobase) plasmid was present in 73% of the isolates, either alone or in combination with other plasmids. Isolates with only the 36-mDa plasmid had identical RFLPs. The diversity of plasmid profiles was greater than that of phage-types among isolates from the three flocks: 12 unique plasmid profiles vs. four phage-types. Mixed infections with S. enteritidis strains having distinct plasmid profiles occurred in all three flocks. Reinfection of these flocks in 1990 with one or more of the strains obtained earlier was evident, because some of the original isolates and the 1990 isolates had matching plasmid profiles and were of the same phage-types. Isolates from both environmental and tissue samples, examined from one flock, were found to share the same plasmid profile and phage-type.
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