[Trends of tuberculosis morbidity and mortality in Russia in 2005]

Autor: E B, Tsybikova, I M, Son
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Problemy tuberkuleza i boleznei legkikh. (3)
ISSN: 1728-2993
Popis: The most informative indices; such as tuberculosis morbidity and mortality, were used to assess the tuberculosis epidemiological situation in Russia in 2005. Analysis of the rates of tuberculosis morbidity and mortality showed that the epidemic situation associated with tuberculosis remained to be of strain in Russia in 2005. This is evidenced by high tuberculosis morbidity and mortality rates and their increase. In 2005, there was a considerable rise in the frequency of recurrent tuberculosis and, as before, the high incidence of extrapulmonary tuberculosis, such as tuberculosis of the meninx, central nervous system, and bones and joints, in children aged 0-14 years. In 2005, as in previous years, the peak of tuberculosis morbidity was seen in young age groups (25-45 years) irrespective of gender. In 2005 versus 2004, a 3.8% increase in tuberculosis mortality was due to higher death rates among patients with chronic tuberculosis.
Databáze: OpenAIRE