Characterization of two strains of selectively bred guinea-pigs. 3. Homocytotropic antibodies in guinea-pig lines with high or low susceptibility to respiratory anaphylaxis

Autor: J T, Clausen, L, Lundberg, J V, Spärck
Rok vydání: 1983
Zdroj: Acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica. Section C, Immunology. 91(6)
ISSN: 0108-0202
Popis: Two strains of guinea-pigs selectively bred for either high (IMM/S) or low (IMM/R) ovalbumin-induced respiratory anaphylaxis were examined for correlations between respiratory anaphylaxis and production of homocytotropic and passive hemagglutinating antibodies. The passive cutaneous anaphylaxis assay (PCA-assay) was used to test for the production of the three classes of homocytotropic antibodies, IgGla, IgGlb and IgE after immunization either by inhalation of the antigen or by intraperitoneal injection of the antigen adsorbed on aluminium hydroxide. IgE was not detected in any of the strains within the seven-week period following immunization. When immunization was performed by the inhalation technique, antibodies of the two subclasses IgGla and IgGlb as well as hemagglutinating antibodies were demonstrated in all sublines from IMM/S, while in sublines from IMM/R IgGla and IgGlb were never found, and hemagglutinating antibodies were only detected in small amounts or not at all. However, injection of the antigen with aluminium hydroxide as adjuvant resulted in production of hemagglutinating antibodies as well as IgGla and IgGlb in both IMM/S and IMM/R. When such animals were challenged by inhalation of the antigen, a severe respiratory anaphylactic response was induced in guinea-pigs from IMM/S only.
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