Circulating immune complexes in Buerger's disease. Endarteritis obliterans in young men

Autor: R, Roncon de Albuquerque, L, Delgado, P, Correia, J F, Torrinha, D, Serrão, A, Braga
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: The Journal of cardiovascular surgery. 30(5)
ISSN: 0021-9509
Popis: Auto-antibodies such as anti-elastin, anti-collagen, anti-nuclear and anti-arterial, circulating immune complexes, and cellular responses to collagen I and III are known to be present in Buerger's disease (EO). Deposits of IgG, C3 and C4 have also been found in the vascular lesions of endarteritis obliterans (EO) in young men. The purpose of this study was to correlate clinical evidence of vascular disease with the presence of the circulating immune complexes. Thirty-three patients suffering from Buerger's disease (EO), 20 patients suffering from atherosclerosis (AT) and 20 normal controls (Norm) were studied. All were male, heavy smokers, and age-matched. Five techniques were used: direct nephelometry, nephelometry with protamine, two polyethyleneglycol precipitation methods (PegIgG and PegC4), and an immuno-enzymatic C1q fixation test (C1qE). The results seem to confirm the presence of circulating immune complexes in peripheral arterial disease in young men who are heavy smokers, particularly those suffering from EO.
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