Treatment of intraoperative hypotension with cafedrine/theodrenaline versus ephedrine

Autor: Eberhart, L., Geldner, G., Kowark, A., Zucker, T.-P., Kreuer, S., Przemeck, M., Huljic, S., Koch, T., Keller, T., Weber, S., Kranke, P.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Der Anaesthesist
ISSN: 1432-055X
Popis: Background Sympathomimetic drugs are a therapeutic cornerstone for the management of hypotensive states like intraoperative hypotension (IOH). While cafedrine/theodrenaline (C/T) is widely used in Germany to restore blood pressure in patients with IOH, more research is required to compare its effectiveness with alternatives such as ephedrine (E) that are more commonly available internationally. Methods HYPOTENS (NCT02893241, DRKS00010740) was a prospective, national, multicenter, open-label, two-armed, non-interventional study that compared C/T with E for treatment of IOH. We describe a prospectively defined cohort of patients ≥50 years old with comorbidities undergoing general anesthesia induced with propofol and fentanyl. Primary objectives were to examine treatment precision, rapidity of onset and the ability to restore blood pressure without relevant increases in heart rate. Secondary endpoints were treatment satisfaction and the number of required additional boluses or other accompanying measures. Results A total of 1496 patients were included in the per protocol analysis. Overall, effective stabilization of blood pressure was achieved with both C/T and E. Post-hoc analysis showed that blood pressure increase from baseline was more pronounced with C/T. Fewer additional boluses or other accompanying measures were required in the C/T arm. The incidence of tachycardia was comparable between groups. Post-hoc analysis showed that E produced dose-dependent elevated heart rate values. By contrast, heart rate remained stable in patients treated with C/T. Physicians reported a higher level of treatment satisfaction with C/T, with a higher proportion of anesthetists rating treatment precision and rapidity of onset as good or very good when compared with E. Conclusion Neither drug was superior in restoring blood pressure levels; however, post-hoc analyses suggested that treatment is more goal-orientated and easier to control with C/T. Heart rate was shown to be more stable with C/T and fewer additional interventions were required to restore blood pressure, which could have contributed to the increased treatment satisfaction reported by anesthetists using C/T. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1007/s00101-020-00877-5) contains one further table and two figures. The article and additional material are available at Please enter the title of the article in the search field. You will find the additional material under “Ergänzende Inhalte” in the article.
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