Contributions of early and mid-level visual cortex to high-level object categorization

Autor: Kramer, Lily E., Chen, Yi-Chia, Long, Bria, Konkle, Talia, Cohen, Marlene R.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: bioRxiv
Popis: The complexity of visual features for which neurons are tuned increases from early to late stages of the ventral visual stream. Thus, the standard hypothesis is that high-level functions like object categorization are primarily mediated by higher visual areas because they require more complex image formats that are not evident in early visual processing stages. However, human observers can categorize images as objects or animals or as big or small even when the images preserve only some low- and mid-level features but are rendered unidentifiable (‘texforms’, Long et al., 2018). This observation suggests that even the early visual cortex, in which neurons respond to simple stimulus features, may already encode signals about these more abstract high-level categorical distinctions. We tested this hypothesis by recording from populations of neurons in early and mid-level visual cortical areas while rhesus monkeys viewed texforms and their unaltered source stimuli (simultaneous recordings from areas V1 and V4 in one animal and separate recordings from V1 and V4 in two others). Using recordings from a few dozen neurons, we could decode the real-world size and animacy of both unaltered images and texforms. Furthermore, this neural decoding accuracy across stimuli was related to the ability of human observers to categorize texforms by real-world size and animacy. Our results demonstrate that neuronal populations early in the visual hierarchy contain signals useful for higher-level object perception and suggest that the responses of early visual areas to simple stimulus features display preliminary untangling of higher-level distinctions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE