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The objective of the work was to study the clinical and electrophysiological disorders in vestibular and acustic dysfunctions in clean up workers of Chornobyl accident depending on the dose and duration of action of ion izing radiation, the peculiarities of determined effects for 30 years after the accident.The standard clinical and electrophysiological examinations of vestibular and acoustic ana lyzers functions were conducted in 7812 males' clean up workers including 325 persons selected for prolonged stud ies in 1986 2015. The mathematical methods of analysis were carried out using the software package SYSTAT, EPICURE and EGRET.Vestibular dysfunction and acoustic dysfunction according the central type of progressive development of inhibitory processes in the brain stem, subcortical and cortical structures of vestibular and acoustic analyzers were determined. The dependence of changes in these structures on the dose and duration of ionizing radiation effect was defined. The regularities of determined radiation effects in correlation with the formation of organic cerebrovascu lar pathology in the clean up workers in remote post accident years that are consistent with neurophysiological, MRI and other examinations confirmed with correlation analysis were established.It was registered that the vestibular and acoustic dysfunctions in the clean up workers were manifest ed by the clinical and electrophysiological changes at the level of central structures in the studied analyzers, which indicate the parallelism of common mechanism of determined radiation effects already at a dose of 0.20 Gy, and also their dose dependency in dynamics of 30 post accidental years. It was established that vestibular dysfunction in the clean up workers is clinically early manifested, and the electroacoustic and electrophysiological changes in a case of normal hearing are evidence of preclinical inhibitory processes in the brain stem, subcortical and cortical structures of acoustic analyzer in the early post accident years. The features of the clinical course of vestibular and acoustic dysfunctions in long term monitoring of short term effects of ionizing radiation in high doses in the group of the clean up workers who have acute radiation sickness, and the manifestation of change is greater and accelerated in time under long term IR effect, than the relatively short term ones in similar small doses in distant years. Significant increase of hearing disorders by type of presbyacuzis precox in the respective age categories, which is one of the symptoms of their premature their aging was studied in clean up workers.Meta – vyvchyty kliniko elektrofiziologichni porushennia pry vestybuliarniy̆ ta akustychniy̆ dysfunktsiiakh v uchas nykiv likvidatsïï naslidkiv avariï na Chornobyl's'kiy̆ atomniy̆ elektrostantsiï v zalezhnosti vid dozy ta tryvalosti diï ionizuiuchoï radiatsiï, osoblyvosti determinovanykh efektiv vprodovzh 30 rokiv pislia avariï.Material ta metody. U 7812 uchasnykiv likvidatsiï naslidkiv avariï na ChAES (ULNA na ChAES) cholovichoï stati, u to mu chysli u 325 osib, vidibranykh dlia prolongovanykh doslidzhen', u 1986 2015 rr. provedeni standartni kliniko elektrofiziologichni obstezhennia funktsiy̆ vestybuliarnogo ta akustychnogo analizatoriv. Vykonani matematychni metody analizu iz zastosuvanniam programnykh paketiv SYSTAT, EPICURE ta EGRET.Rezul'taty. Vstanovleni vestybuliarna ta akustychna dysfunktsiï za tsentral'nym typom z progresuiuchym rozvyt kom gal'mivnykh protsesiv u stovburomozkovykh, pidkorkovo korkovykh strukturakh vestybuliarnogo ta akustychnogo analizatoriv. Vyznachena zalezhnist' zmin u tsykh strukturakh vid velychyny dozy ta tryvalosti diï ionizuiuchoï radiatsiï. Vstanovleni zakonomirnosti determinovanykh radiatsiy̆nykh efektiv u vzaiemozv'iazku z formuvanniam or ganichnoï tserebrovaskuliarnoï patologiï v ULNA na ChAES u viddaleni pisliaavariy̆ni roky, iaki uzgodzhuiut'sia z ney̆ rofiziologichnymy, MRT ta inshymy obstezhenniamy, shcho pidtverdzheno pry koreliatsiy̆nomu analizi.Vysnovky. Vidznacheno, shcho vestybuliarna ta akustychna dysfunktsiï v ULNA na ChAES proiavliaiut'sia kliniko elekt rofiziologichnymy zminamy na rivni tsentral'nykh struktur doslidzhuvanykh analizatoriv, iaki vkazuiut' na para lelizm spil'nogo mekhanizmu determinovanykh radiatsiy̆nykh efektiv pry dozi 0,20 Gr,a takozh ïkh dozozalezhnist' u dy namitsi 30 pisliaavariy̆nykh rokiv. Vstanovleno, shcho vestybuliarna dysfunktsiia v ULNA na ChAES proiavliaiet'sia klinichno ranishe, a elektroakustychni ta elektrofiziologichni zminy pry normal'nomu slukhu svidchat' pro doklinichni gal'mivni protsesy u stovburomozkovykh ta pidkorkovo korkovykh strukturakh akustychnogo analizatora u ranni pisliaavariy̆ni roky. Vyiavleni osoblyvosti klinichnogo perebigu vestybuliarnoï ta akustychnoï dysfunktsiy̆ pry dovgotryvalomu monitoryngu pry korotkochasniy̆ diï ionizuiuchoï radiatsiï u velykykh dozakh v grupi ULNA na ChA ES, iaki perenesly gostru promenevu khvorobu, a pry analogichnykh malykh dozakh u viddaleni roky proiav zmin bil' shyy̆ ta pryskorenyy̆ u chasi pry tryvaliy̆ diï IR, nizh pry vidnosno korotkochasniy̆. V ULNA na ChAES vyiavleno virogidne zrostannia slukhovykh porushen' za typom peredchasnogo vikovogo znyzhennia (rgesbyacuzis precox) u vidpovidnykh vikovykh kategoriiakh, iake ie odnym iz symptomiv peredchasnogo starinnia ïkhn'ogo organizmu. |