Quality-of-life measures and clinical parameters in asthmatics during three year follow-up

Autor: R, Kauppinen, H, Sintonen, V, Vilkka, M, Pekurinen, H, Tukiainen
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Monaldi archives for chest disease = Archivio Monaldi per le malattie del torace. 53(4)
ISSN: 1122-0643
Popis: Two types of health-related quality-of-life (HRQoL) index, the disease-specific St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) and the generic 15D, were compared for indication of HRQoL changes and correlation with clinical parameters in 157 newly diagnosed asthmatics. The asthmatics were treated with inhaled anti-inflammatory therapy. Measurements at baseline, and after one and three years treatment. Both HRQoL indices indicated a significant improvement in HRQoL during treatment. The changes in total HRQoL scores correlated moderately well. Changes in airway responsiveness correlated fairly well with those of the total SGRQ score (r = 0.29 between baseline and one yr treatment and 0.36 between baseline and three yrs treatment, p0.001) and with those of 15D (r = 0.21 between baseline and three yrs treatment; p0.05). This may indicate that airway hyperresponsiveness influences the personal assessment of HRQoL. On the other hand, the varying correlation between lung function and HRQoL scores may indicate that they measure largely unrelated factors. Both the disease-specific and the generic health-related quality-of-life indices changed with treatment and indicated an improved health-related quality-of-life for mild asthmatics during a three-year treatment.
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