[Preventive staff meetings in maternity ward for women at high medico-psycho-social risk: Qualitative study between 2012 and 2018]

Autor: M, Charnay, V, Gardette, J-P, Raynaud, O, Parant, L, Franchitto
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilitesenologie. 49(11)
ISSN: 2468-7189
Popis: To assess the effectiveness of a multidisciplinary consultation meeting created in collaboration between a perinatal psychiatry team and professionals from a level 3 maternity hospital, whose purpose is to prepare the delivery and postpartum of pregnant women at high medico-psycho-social risk. I) Study the functioning of these multidisciplinary meetings. II) Assess the concordance between the decisions made in antenatal care and the actual management of the delivery and postpartum care.This is a retrospective study of 140 files for which the opinion of the multidisciplinary meeting was requested in the years 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018. We looked at the psychiatric files of the patients, as well as the summary sheets written after staff meetings.The selection of files is compliant in 98% of cases and the traceability of information in the summary sheet is over 80% for half of the process indicators. The overall compliance rate between the decisions taken at meetings and their implementation in the post-partum period is 68%. Acute psychiatric episode and reporting could be anticipated.This multidisciplinary consultation meeting is efficient in the early detection of risk situations. The decisions taken during the multidisciplinary meetings in antenatal care are mostly applied postpartum in the Maternity Ward. In cases where they are not applied, the system offers great reactivity to postpartum professionals.
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