Role of urinary cytology in detecting human polyoma bk virus in kidney transplant recipients. A preliminary report

Autor: Kusum, Kapila, Mangalathillom R N, Nampoory, Kaivilayil V, Johny, Alexander S, Pacsa, Bushra, Al-Ayadhy, Jessy R, Mathew, Madhavan P, Nair, Medhat A, Halim, Sara S, George, Issam M, Francis
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Medical principles and practice : international journal of the Kuwait University, Health Science Centre. 16(3)
ISSN: 1011-7571
Popis: To report data on the evaluation of the efficacy of urine cytology in detecting BK virus (BKV).Papanicolaou-stained cytospin preparations of randomly collected urine samples from 8 renal transplant (RTR) patients (5 males, 3 females, age: 23-63 years) who previously tested positive for BKV by PCR in urine or blood or both were studied. Urine sediment from 3 of the patients was processed for ultrastructural examination (EM). Renal biopsies before and after BKV detection were also evaluated.The interval between renal transplant and urine cytology ranged between 2 and 5 years. Urine from females was difficult to assess due to vaginal contamination. In 2 of the 5 urine specimens from male recipients BKV-infected decoy cells were identified. Viral particles suggestive of BKV were identified on EM in 2 of the 3 specimens studied. Kidney biopsies showed morphologic features suggestive of BKV infection in 2 cases, 1 each detected on cytology and EM, respectively.Screening for the presence of decoy cells in urine provides a simple sensitive means for the diagnosis of BKV nephropathy in RTR.
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