[Comprehensive hygienic assessment of environmental pollution in rural localities in the area affected by the Orenburg gas processing plant]

Autor: L A, Barkhatova, I L, Karpenko, N D, Osadchaia, V P, Kuznetsova, O V, Bystrykh, T I, Shchekaleva
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Gigiena i sanitariia. (6)
ISSN: 0016-9900
Popis: Comprehensive analysis of environmental pollution was made in 15 rural settlements of Orenburgsky and Perevolotsky districts located in the vicinity of gas-processing works. The ambient air, the blanket of snow, and drinking water were assessed for pollution. The drinking water and ambient air in vicinity of the works were found to be polluted by toxic substances.
Databáze: OpenAIRE