Cervical myelocystocele: Case report and review of literature

Autor: Chandra, Ramesh V. V., Kumar, Phani M.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences
ISSN: 1998-3948
Popis: Dysraphisms involving cervical region are very rare and there are very few series describing their follow-up in literature. Here, we report a 6-year-old boy who underwent postnatal “cosmetic” repair of posterior cervical cystic lesion and presented to us with a large recurrence with syringohydromyelia and tethering. Tethered cord should be suspected in the presence of meningocele and intact neurology. Treatment protocols of such complicated cervical spinal dysraphisms should include intradural exploration and detethering, with an aim to prevent neurological deterioration in future.
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