[Turpentine baths in rehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease]

Autor: N S, Aĭrapetova, E B, Polikanova, O B, Davydova, L D, Gosn, O V, Kulikova, I V, Ksenofontova, N V, Nikoda, M A, Rassulova, O V, Nitchenko, L A, Siziakova, Iu V, Doronina, N A, Derevnina
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii, i lechebnoi fizicheskoi kultury. (4)
ISSN: 0042-8787
Popis: We have investigated effects of turpentine baths with white emultion, yellow solution and mixed on the course of inflammation, immunocompetent system, external respiration function, pulmonary cardiohemodynamics, physical performance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. We developed differential indications for each bath variant depending on the features of a clinical picture of the disease, comorbid pathology and revealed contraindications to their administration.
Databáze: OpenAIRE