[Evolution of tuberculosis morbidity and the factors governing it at different stages of the anti-tuberculosis campaign]

Autor: M S, Dvoĭrin, N A, Lapteva, T S, Kucher, A D, Popovskaia
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: Problemy tuberkuleza. (1)
ISSN: 0032-9533
Popis: Characteristics of the tuberculosis incidence in the Ukrainian SSR since the beginning of the wide use of antibacterial therapy were studied. It was shown that the delayed decrease in the incidence of tuberculosis in young persons observed lately did not correlate with further improvement of the epidemiological situation with respect to tuberculosis. It was indicated that the phenomenon stemmed from insufficient control of heavy alcohol drinking and alcoholism in the population and tuberculous patients.
Databáze: OpenAIRE