Platelet aggregation during abdominal surgery in an experimental pig model: the effects of presurgical antibiotic protocols and volume replacement with hydroxyethyl starch

Autor: A, Frese, D, Rinke, M, Künnecke, B, Stinner, W, Lorenz, W, Wesemann, C, Opper
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Thrombosis research. 97(3)
ISSN: 0049-3848
Popis: The effect of presurgical antibiotic protocols in combination with hemodilution on platelet aggregation was studied. Thirty pigs were randomly assigned to three groups. Group 1 received amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, group 2 metronidazole+cefuroxime, and group 3, as a control, sodium chloride. They underwent laparotomy, massive blood loss, and volume replacement with hydroxyethyl starch 200, followed by an anaphylactoid reaction. Platelet aggregation was measured by the turbidometric method. Neither antibiotic protocols had any effect on platelet aggregation as compared with the control group. In all three groups, aggregation to ADP and collagen was significantly reduced after volume replacement with hydroxyethyl starch. In contrast, the sensitivity to the aggregating effects of collagen was increased as assessed by a higher frequency of responses to low concentrations of collagen and a shortened latency of the aggregation response after collagen addition. Further in vitro studies revealed that dilution of plasma with hydroxyethyl starch specifically induced the changes seen after in vivo volume replacement. The results suggest that the plasma substitute hydroxyethyl starch 200 increases the sensitivity to low doses of collagen, an effect never described before and considered of clinical relevance.
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