[Progress and perspectives on adjuvant therapy after curative resection of hepatocellular carcinoma]

Autor: T B, Liang
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Zhonghua wai ke za zhi [Chinese journal of surgery]. 59(10)
ISSN: 0529-5815
Popis: Tumor recurrence after curative resection of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) is a major challenge to patient survival. Postoperative adjuvant therapy has been proved to be an effective method in tackling tumor recurrence. However,its role in HCC remains unclear. First,there are many differences between Chinese and foreign guidelines in recommendations on adjuvant therapy of HCC. Chinese guidelines have made many recommendations on various modalities of adjuvant therapy of HCC,including anti-viral therapy,transarterial chemoembolization,and herbs. On the contrary,foreign guidelines don't make any recommendation on adjuvant therapy of HCC,except for anti-viral therapy. Second,clear definition of patients who have a higher risk of tumor recurrence is still unknown. In other words,patients who will benefit from adjuvant therapy is unclear. Although various kinds of adjuvant therapies have been proved to be efficient in preventing tumor recurrence and prolonging patient survival,a standard protocol is still lacking. There are many ongoing clinical trials investigating the value of adjuvant therapy in HCC. Emerging evidences will answer questions on the role of adjuvant therapy and how to perform it.肝细胞癌(HCC)术后复发严重影响了患者预后。术后辅助治疗是防止肿瘤复发的重要手段,但其在HCC中的价值尚未完全明确。首先,国内外诊疗指南在HCC辅助治疗上的推荐意见存在较大差异。国内指南对多种辅助治疗手段进行了推荐,包括抗病毒治疗、经动脉插管化疗及中药制剂治疗等;而国外指南除了抗病毒治疗之外几乎未做任何推荐。其次,目前对HCC术后复发高危人群的界定较为模糊,辅助治疗的受益人群尚需进一步明确。最后,尽管目前已有多种辅助治疗手段被证实可降低HCC的复发风险并改善预后,但尚缺乏标准的辅助治疗方案。尽管如此,目前多项探索HCC辅助治疗价值的研究正在进行中,围绕HCC辅助治疗的种种疑问未来有望被解决。.
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