Involvement of the

Autor: Yung-Luen, Shih, Cheng-Mu, Wu, Hsu-Feng, Lu, Li-Hua, Li, Yi-Tsung, Lin, Tsuey-Ching, Yang
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Microbiology spectrum. 10(3)
ISSN: 2165-0497
Popis: The hemin acquisition system of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia was elucidated in this study. To identify the TonB-dependent outer membrane receptor for hemin in S. maltophilia, the hemin acquisition systems of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were referenced. PhuR, HasA, and HxuA are three known TonB-dependent outer membrane receptors involved in hemin acquisition by P. aeruginosa. Thus, HemA (Smlt0795) and Smlt2937, the orthologs of PhuR and HasA/HxuA in S. maltophilia, were first considered. KJΔEnt, a stenobactin-null strain, was used as the parental strain for the hemin utilization assay. Deletion of
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