Release of calcium ions from particulate monosodium titanates for dental mineralization applications

Autor: Jeanie L, Drury, Yen-Wei, Chen, Bryce J, Plancich, Kathryn Ml, Taylor-Pashow, David T, Hobbs, John C, Wataha
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: American journal of dentistry. 31
ISSN: 0894-8275
Popis: The calcium ion [Ca(II)] release from monosodium titanates (MST) complexed to calcium ions [Ca(II)], referred to as MST-Ca(II), was examined under varying incubation times, pH conditions, and ion equilibrium disruptions.Sample supernatants were analyzed for Ca(II) using the QuantiChrom Calcium Assay Kit.No Ca(II) was detected in native MST (control) supernatants but was detected in MST-Ca(II) supernatants. At pH 7, Ca(II) release increased from 0 to 2.5 mg/dL over 3 days (P0.05 compared to MST control), remaining constant over the completed incubation times. At pH 5, 15 mg/dL of Ca(II) was immediately released with no further release. When the pH was modulated pH 4 to pH 9, Ca(II) concentration dropped from 25 mg/dL to ~0 mg/dL. Finally, when equilibrium was disrupted by partial replacement of the supernatant with sterile water, Ca(II) release was ongoing, reaching a cumulative total of 20 mg/dL over 35 days.The current results suggest that particulate MST-Ca(II) complexes exhibit sustained release of calcium, and that release might be customized by conditions of pH and ionic strength. Thus, these complexes appear promising for biological applications where calcium-mediated mineralization or re-mineralization are desired.
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